Friday, April 3, 2009

postpost for today
lessons was finee.
after sch was fun.
as per normal like last week,
played tabletennis,
than go down eat,
saw sis.
she eating fries,
i go run to her n take one.
>.< than ate,
went up n play again.
so hot lor!
coz cher haven come.
we playplayplay until cher come,
run back studio.
was suppose to do live brocast,
but went to hall n nth to do.
so went down n play table tennis again.
play with the wall.
so so so sian. >.<
than after that,
went back studio
kana sabo be cher.
sherlyn be student!
coz we both got get best student of the month award.
than cca end.
play again.
smt happen,
sorry zhihong. reli sorry!
than after that
err. went home with chiaho weishi n zhihong.
and here posting

quiz copied from ping;polarbear's blog.
1.Explain your current relationship status - single!
2. Name a lyric from the last song u listened to. - i didn't listen to song today?
3. What did u wear today? - uni & homeclothes -.-
4. Do u wear contact lenses or glasses?
- spects.
5. How many windows are open on your computer? - 3.
6. What will u be doing after this? - continue using comp?
7. Where did u get the shirt u are wearing? - not so sure. >.<
8. Do you like to cuddle?
- what's that?
9. Which one of your cousins is closest to u in age?
- BIAO JIE CHAI PUI KIT! >.< she same age as me.
10. Do u like someone. -
11. Do u like hugs? - who will dont like ? LOL .
12. Are u a loud person? - Maybe?
13. Are u wearing underwear now? - Don't be a horny bastard.
14. Look to ur left, what do u see? - a master bedroom
15. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow? - Eh, nth larh. i wanna rest.
16. Would your parents be mad if u came home smashed? - dontknow leh.
17. Have u ever had a crush on ur sibling's friend? - Nope. :D
18. Does it matter if ur bf/gf smoked? - YES. i hate really like smokers .
19. Do u think u hv made a difference in anyone's life? - i don't think so.
20. Is there a guy or a girl who knows mostly everything about u? - YES. CARINE JIE!
21. Who was the last person u had a phone call longer than 7 minutes?
- ehh , yeeling?
22.How often do u hold back from saying what u r thinking? - huh.
23. last serious hug? - long time ago?
24. Would u ever dye ur hair blonde? -ehh. dunnoe.
25. Is something bothering u? - nope. :D
26. Has anyone ever told u that u have pretty eyes? - ehh, nope.
27. Do u believe that u can change for someone. - maybe?
28. What woke u up this morning?
- my alarm clock.
29. Would u go back in time to change something? - yes!
30. Is it hard leaving ppl behind? - yes.
31.What are u excited for?
32. Who was the last missed call?
- ehh. not so sure. phone not with me.
33. At the moment are u more warm or cold?
- Today is a hot day.
34. What was the last thing u spent ur money on? - my lunch.
35. Is there a song that reminds u of ur whole summer? - singapore no summer.
36. What r u doing right now?
37. Can u handle the truth?
- maybe.
38. How's ur life lately? - tiring .
39. When was the last time u did something u knew was wrong? - just now.
40. If the year consist of only one season, which one will u choose?
- winter.
41. Do u hate being alone?
- YES!
42. Where were u last night - sleeping.
43. Last non-alchoholic consumed? - huhuhuh ?
44. DO u currently have a hickey?
- whatwhatwhat ?
45. Think back to the last person who held hands with u. Will u kiss them? - ehh. yes.
46. When did u get ur first get ur own freedom?
- forgot.
47. Are you drifting away from any friends? - alot.
48. What are u listenning to?
- songs.
49. What are u doing tonight? - sleep lah.
50. Did the last person who put his/her hand around u mean anything to u?
- yes.
51. Are u wearing socks? - wear for what ?
52. Do u have anything in ur pockets now? - its empty.
53. Who was ur last text from? - ehh. junkang;kor.
54. Are u comfortable answering personal questions? - see what's the qus.
55. Ever kissed someone who smokes? - not sure?
56. Is someone on ur mind right now? - no
57. Do u consider urself spoilt? - ehh. idk lehhs.
58. Who was the last peron to sit on ur bed?
- me myself and i. :D
59. Where were u at 2.02 this morning? - ehh. hall playing table tennis?
60. Did u sleep last night, smiling? - i'm asleep how euu wan me to know?
61. Anyone told u a secret this week? - nope?
62. When was the last time u bought something? - today la. recess n lunch no need eat ah?
63. Do u play an instrument.
- nope?

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