Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cope from Sarah;mei blog

1)If you could change your name, wad would it be? Eh, i think my name still ok lehhs.

2)Do you think you are good looking? ehhs, ask others?
3)Are you single or taken? single lurhs. didn't euu read my profile?
4)Are you happily single or taken? happily single? or maybe not happy but single. xD
5)What's your favourite colour? PINK!!!
6)Do you think the world is round or flat? ROUND, didn't euu learn?
7)Spongebob or Patrick? Spongebob!!!
8)Chuckie or Tommy? huh?
9)Pooh or Eeyore? WINNE THE POOH!!!!
10)Black or white? Black than white bahhs.
11)Who are your best friends? those 4 hearts in my blog. :D and some others. seniors n juniors are more (L)
12)Who is your enemy? i dun wanna tell. xD
13)Who is your hero? hmms?
14)Who was the last person you saw? My sis lol.
15)Who was the last person you hugged? Weishi darling.
16)Who was the last person I told I love them? i, forgot. >.<
17)Who is the person you miss most? ehhs..
18)What is one thing that brightens your day? The laughters :D
19)When was the last time you went on vacation? Dec. >.<
20)Who was the last person to annoy you? hmms?
21)Against gay marrarige? ehhs..
22)Bush or Kerry? idk?
23)Against or for abortion? up to the person?
2)When was the last tym you cried? i guess, not long ago?
)When was the last time you were absolutely happy? i fake smile all the time.
26)Who was the last person you yelled at? someone?
27)Do you think you are well liked? ehhs?
28)Do you go to Talawanda?Outer space??? Outer space?

5 ppl tagged to do this quiz.

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