Saturday, August 23, 2008

1. Real name :
A: Florence

2. Nick name :
A: Flo/Fina

3. Married to :
A: euu expect a sec 1 to married ?

4. Zodiac sign :
A: Scoprio

5. Male of Female :
A : Female of coz

6. Grade School :
A: Meaning ?

7. High school :
A: ie only sec 1 , h0w i n0e -.-

8. College :
A: I wan poly larhz.

9. Resident :
A: Secret

10. Hair Colour :

11. Long or Short(HAIR) :
A: Normal..

12. Smoke :
A: i don't sm0ke :D i guai kia lai de

13. Drink :
A: lots..

14. Available in love ?
A: n0pe. :)

15. Are you a HEALTH freak ?
A: i don't get ur meaning.

16. Height :
A: 157cm~

17. Do you have crush on someone ?
A: errr..

18. Piercing ?
A: 2 only okay.

19. Tattos ?
A: Don't have a need to . i n0t paikia ?! -.-

20. Do you like youself ?
A: NO ! . I HATE IT !

nothing to do so do quiz lorhs

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