so yeah monday, school was fine, assembly was a disaster, got so crazy running around, and of cause scolding people here and there, but joking around in the end. :D
Tuesday, i went out to causeway w debbie, to look for xiehang's present, but sadly, its not there!
Wednesday, i stayed back to study a.maths, and wait for the rain to be smaller! :D
thursday!i stayed back just for the sake of waiting for the rain to be smaller, while listening to shingyi playing pianooo.
Friday!! so after school went northpoint w wangshen zhihong cheeyeng, to buy xiehang's present, and yeah, went back school and prepare for the present, w wangshen zhihong cheeyeng debbie and yongjian, and so stayed until 6 and then went home! :D
Saturday! thats today, tuition at 1-3, so met sam at cwp to buy carine's present, and ate our teabreak at mac, then went back for tuition, and we were late! :D so tuition from 4-7, and everyone got crazy throwing paper balls, it was soo funnny. lol~
sunday!! so woke up and went for tuition! then after that tuition from 9-11, doing papers after papers. LOL. then after that went lunch w father, and went homee, tuition at 4.15, but before that went carine house to pass her present, and once again, i played taptap revenge until i'm late! :D so tuition from 4-6, and went home. ^^
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