yesterday woke up and prepared for tuition, tuition was boring as i'm aloneee.
today, went to school, first day of school . ^^ so yeah, e.maths, nothing much, but did work the teacher asked, such a miracle of me, p.e, soccer at first, after break demanded for captainbasketball, was more active in the second game, but for both games i'm the defender. o.o. soccer, the ball k-ed my hand, basketball, the shiting stepped on my hand, and something happened but i forgot. then a.maths, missho didn't come, then mrteo came to took over, then after recess was eng, mrlin didn't come, didn't know why, no assembly as they sec4s and 5s are having prelims, then after that after school went counselling room for meeting, then went home around 3++. theend! :D
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