found this quiz and decided to do since i'm bored. ;x
Th "A-P" Questions A-AVAILABLE No? B-BIRTHDAY 25-October C-CRUSHNG ON someone. D-DRINK YOU LAST HAD Plan water E-EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO Carine sister! ;x F-FAVOURITE SONG blog songs. G-GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMYWORMS Gummy Bears H-HOMETOWN Singapore I- IN LOVE WITH human J-JUGGLE Wad JUGGLE? K-KILLED SOMEONE of coz nt.! L-LONGEST CAR RIDE to malaysia, used to it. M-MILKSHAKE FLAVOR Chocolate. N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS 1 elder sister. O-ONE WISH Time to rewind! P-PERSON YOU CALLED LAST Yeeling? The "Do" Questions Do you know how to swim ? little. Do you like roller coasters ? Yes of cause! Do You think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows i don't get it. The "Have" Questions Have you ever been on a plane ? no? Have you ever asked someone out ? Yes of cause! Have you ever been asked out be someone ? Yeahh! Have you ever been to the oceans ? Yeah? Have you ever painted your nails ? of coz duhhh!
The "WHATS " Questions What is the temperature outside ? Nt sure. What radio station do you listen to ? 988. ;x What was the last restaurant you ate at ? dk the name. What was the last thing you bought ? forgot. ;x What was the last thing on TV you watched ? the 9pm show nw! ;x
The"Whos" Questions Who was the last person you meet momo rennn. ;x Who was the last person you took a picture of ? carine! ;x Who was the last person you said " I love you " to human. ;x
The "Crying" Sections Ever really cried your heart out ? i think so. ;x Ever cried yourself to sleep ? Yes. Ever cried on your friend's shoulder ? i think so? Ever cried over the opposite sex ? yeah? Do you cry when you get an injury ? maybe. ;x Do certain songs make you cry ? don't think so.
The "HAPPY SECTION." Are you a happy person ? should be? What can make you happy ? friends that concern about me. D: Do you wish you were happier ? Yes. Can music make you happy ? don't think so.
The "LOVE SECTION". How many times have you had your heart broken ? Nt sure. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for the person ? hmms?
The "LOOK AT ME SECTION". What is your current hair colour ? brownish black. jealous? Current piercings ? One! guaikia okay. ;x Have any tattoos ? Nope . Height 161cm for the last time i measured.
he "HAVE YOU EVER" Been to jail Nope. Mooned someone hmms? Laughed so hard that you cried ? think so? Cried in school ? yeah, in class smr. Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today don't think so? Gone skinny dipping Nope. The "THIS OR THAT" Pepsi or Coke ? Coke. McDonald's or Burger King McDonald's Single or Group Date ? Single. Chocolate or Vanilla ? Chocolate . Strawberries or Blueberries ? blueberries. Meat or Veggies Meat. TV or Movie Movie. Adidas or Nike ? nike. ;x Chinese or Mexican ? Chinese Cheerios or Corn flakes? Corn flakes. Cake or pie ? Cake. MTV or VH1 ? MTV ba.
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