yesterdae they went to amk while i was thinking wan to go home marhz.
thn i suddenly thought of shimin jie.
coz dun wan go home early marhz.
thn go find jie.
found jie thn
hongmin darren eugene zhihui n ben came 2.
we was plaeing n shouting.
i was plaeing catching wib shimin.
thn after tt walked home.
so guai hor miie.
walk siak.
from mrt there to home .
abt 20 min like tt.
show euu guys some pic.^^

miie n my jie shimin.
todae was not a happy dae,
i became guai n went home stright away after sch.
thn was damn pek cek.
why every body around miie.
likes to.
mei shi zhao shi fan.
reli damn fed up lor.
jie n di also like tt.
now ling also like tt.
wat the.
i dunnoe wat to do larhz.
every body like tt.
i very pekcek.
coz i m the zhong jian ren.
i dun wan be zhong jian ren larhz.
very pek cek de leh.
wat the.
euu all larhz.
make miie so so so..
pek cek.
can euu all jus stop all tt.
very fan sia.
the probs are not easy to solve,
1 solve le 1 more come.
very very pek cek~
i wan my dae to be relax.
n result are back.
quite gud~
English:40/80(so nice jus pass)
Maths:73.5/100(long time nvr get so gud de result)
Science:67/100(alot careless~ if not can get 100. sobs)
Geog:75/100(wa A1 sia. first time.)
Home eco:57.5/100(woots i dun wan take F&N next time)
EL Lit:30/50(quite gud lor)
the rest haven take back.
tml thn take back i think
wish miie gud luck
dun wan fail chi again.
n i got made improvment .
wo you jing bu.
i nvr fail.
but this time is i hoot euu.
coz euu fail.
i shall end here.
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