monday, went to school as usual, stayed back for final teacher's day rehearsal. had 3 runs. ._. which we suppose to end at 4.30 but end up 6.30, damn you teacher. so went home w shingyi, thanks shingyi for waiting.
tuesday, which is today. teachers day celebration. went to school, first item for the day was ACES walk, after the walk was teacher vs students games, then class party time, went off early for duty, then went canteen for our recess, keith came first, so chatchat, went up, and since nothing to do so went down again, and xiehang reached. (: after that played w that stupid keith, so went up for concert, super unhappy after the quiz guessing whose the baby, after concert end, went down, all seniors are finding the teachers, and stupid keith keep on bullying me. so chat for awhile, went mrt w keith xiehang and halim, and off i go to northpoint. stupid carine, make me wait for so long. after that went mac for lunch, and went home while carine went for match. (: